Apr 9, 2014


What a weekend. Finally, the sun returned after a gray and rainy week. After an intensive day in the mountains, it was time for the Holi Festival in Barcelona on Sunday. Ingredients: sun, music, a very relaxed atmosphere, smearing colors on stranger’s faces… what’s not to like?
It was quite a spectacle, especially for a festival with free entrance. For most of the time, it was just a bunch of rainbow colored people sitting around, enjoying the sun. But the moment we all gathered and threw our colored powders in the air was magical! 

It was hard to get a good image of this moment. In fact, my camera pretty much died during this colorful but dusty explosion. But it was worth it (and hey, my camera has already celebrated its fifth birthday. It had a good life). And the way back was just hilarious. Sitting in the metro, on the left a guy in a spotless white shirt that I tried to avoid touching, on the right a kid screaming at me “Eres un zombie!” It was a good day.

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